mReady Blog


La multi ani!

Se spune ca nu realizezi ce ai decat in momentul in care il pierzi. Anul acesta am decis sa realizez zi de zi ce am si sa lupt sa tin aproape oamenii si lucrurile...


Gamification & You: Questing

Setting up real life adventures and the importance of side quests So, most of us have probably heard of Role Playing Games, if not from direct contact with them, at least from a friend....


Review Team Building mReady

Team building is a philosophy of job design in which employees are viewed as members of interdependent teams instead of as individual workers. Aceasta este definitia unui team building, conform Wikipedia. Mi s-a parut...


Windows Phone 8

Windows Phone 8 a fost oficial anuntat Dupa atatea conferinte si anunturi ba de la Apple, ba de la Google, a venit vremea celor de la Microsoft sa scoata la suprafata noul lor Windows...